10 maart 2018

Making sure – Utrecht is for everybody

Making sure – Utrecht is for everybody
Partij van de Arbeid (Labour Party)

Utrecht is a city to be proud of. Countless Utrechters contribute everyday in making our city a little bit more beautiful. But that doesn’t mean there is no work to be done. We confront head on the growing inequality that divides the city and its inhabitants. Inequalities that can be pointed out on a map, that create boundaries between citizens and between neighbourhood. In Overvecht, people on average have 12 years shorter to live in good health than in neighbouring Tuindorp. Unemployment among low skilled workers is almost four times as high as among the highly educated. In the city centre, only 23% of houses are social rental housing; in Overvecht it is 71%. These numbers don’t lie. Divisions are worsening between poor and wealthy, highly and lowly skilled, young and old, those with or without migrant backgrounds. The PvdA (Labour party) does not resign itself with these facts.  We work to connect rather than to increase differences. Together we are Utrecht!

Good work in a strong city

Being sure of good work gives people perspective, certainty, and a feeling of belonging. Unfortunately not everybody in Utrecht has a pleasant job. Some Utrechters have good work, but others cannot be certain of their job. The PvdA Utrecht wants good work for everybody!

  • More employment, of all skill levels, by attracting new companies and new jobs in the public sector.
  • More certainty, good working conditions and a decent wage (especially in cases of public procurement). We want more attention for education and for countering labour displacement.
  • Additional efforts for people who find it difficult to find a job; specifically combating youth unemployment as well as unemployment among seniors, and creating so-called ‘shielded workplaces’.
  • The city leads by example by giving more permanent employment contracts, also for people with employment restraints.

Security of livelihood in a caring city

Being sure of having enough to eat, of a roof over your head, and of active participation in society. That security of livelihood is the basis on which everyone builds. The PvdA aims to prevent poverty!

  • Fight poverty actively, for instance by detecting and combating debt problems at an early stage.
  • A minimum livelihood for everybody, nobody needs to sleep in the street.
  • Accessible and personalized care in which the neighbourhood teams take a proactive role. We will introduce a coordinated youth policy, caregivers are actively supported, and required domestic care will be adapted to circumstances.

Living in a safe and sustainable city

Being sure of an affordable home. The PvdA want all of Utrecht to remain a city for everybody, also for those with a smaller purse. The PvdA wants an enjoyable and sustainable city where people today and in the future can live affordably, safely, and pleasantly. A healthy and viable city contributes to the enjoyment of living for all Utrechters!

  • More affordably (social renting) homes, spread over all neighbourhoods of the city.
  • Improving safety in the neighbourhoods.
  • Aim for a more sustainable city: more green spaces, better health, less polluting traffic.
  • Improve infrastructure for public transport and cycling.

Living together in a social city

The PvdA wants a city in which everyone counts and everyone participates, and in which nobody is excluded. Equality in education plays a key role. The quality of education should not depend on the neighbourhood in which children grow up!

  • Good sporting, cultural, and educational facilities connect people. The social divide in education is unacceptable. The city should make active efforts, in collaboration with schools, to eliminate these differences as soon as possible.
  • The city is there for the people, not the other way around. The city presents itself in an accessible and understandable way in the neighbourhood.
  • The city will genuinely listen to inhabitants who dare to take initiatives. All of us want a city in which people feel responsibility and take care of each other.
  • We put a stop to discrimination and work together towards connection and diversity.


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